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Solar inverter is a device convert direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). AC is the standard used for all household appliances. This causes the inverter is view as an intermediary between the PV system and the conductor of energy.

It is an inverter that has a solar battery connected. The aim is to store the solar power production to later use.

The solar inverter is a solar component that converts power into electricity for home appliance, it can also help to save power into the solar battery.

There are three types of solar inverter for home
•Grid tie inverter: Connected to the grid, without having solar battery
•Off grid inverter: Having solar battery, unconnected to the grid
•Hybrid inverter: Connected to the grid, having solar battery

How to find out the exact size of the inverter:
1. Match the amount of power you need with the number of watts provided by the inverter, calculate also the surge watt given with your wattage surge.
2. Note the input voltage. For the right size, match the voltage of the solar panel, inverter and solar battery.
3. Consider the PV power size, in order to maximize the inverter performance when less sunlight.
4. The inverter with the long warranty and providing maintenance services can save your costs and keep the inverter performance.
5. Various types of inverters provide different prices. Indeed the quality also affects the price difference. In fact, an inverter with a low price will cost you more in the long run.

This is a condition when the solar inverter reaches its maximum capacity so the inverter is limiting slightly the amount of electricity from the solar energy system into the household.

Each solar inverter has different costs depending on the quality and its type. Usually the initial cost of purchasing an inverter includes the cost of installation and it depends on your solar panel installer. To buy an inverter do not forget to notice the inverter manufacturer. This usually affects the quality of inverter, warranty and various services received by the user.

This is a charge controller which considered the most efficient method, but this only used when the solar panel voltage is higher than the solar battery. MPPT solar charge can lower the panel voltage to match the battery current voltage.

It is an inverter that combines the concept of a solar system on grid and off grid. If solar production is excessive, then the user can store energy in the solar battery or restore the over production to the main grid. If solar power production is less than the power demand, inverter will use power from the grid.